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Dr. Reardon maintains an independent practice based in Raleigh, NC

offering forensic evaluation and consultation services nationwide.  


Dr. Reardon is one of only about 350 psychologists in the U.S. who have completed the rigorous credentialing and examination process of board certification in forensic psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).   She has over 20 years experience conducting assessments of justice-involved youth and adults addressing questions of criminal competency (to stand trial, to waive Miranda), criminal responsibility (insanity, diminished capacity, mens rea defense), risk of violent and sex offense recidivism, juvenile transfers, pre-sentence and capital mitigation.  She also conducts peer reviews and independent examinations in civil claims of personal and work-place injury.   She has been qualified as an expert in forensic psychology many times, in both criminal and civil matters, and in multiple state and federal jurisdictions.  


Dr. Reardon is committed to promoting the highest standards of practice in forensic psychology not only in the quality of her work product, but also through active service and training activities.  She has offered seminars and workshops for mental health and legal professionals on a variety of psycholegal topics, including forensic evaluation in capital cases, mental state defenses, involuntary treatment and commitment, diagnostic formulation, and expert consultation.  She is Past President (2019) of the American Board of Forensic Psychology (ABFP) and for 10 years, served on the examination faculty for candidates seeking specialty board certification.  She is the current Co-Chair of Continuing Education for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology (AAFP).


Phone 919-800-1174; Fax 919-823-4027

Office: 8305 Six Forks Road, Suite 203, Raleigh NC 27615

Mail Correspondence: 13200 Strickland Rd 114-331, Raleigh, NC 27613


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